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pileupDomains expands then extracts regions/domains from Hi-C files, regularizes them so they are the same size, then aggregates them into a single matrix. This can be used to perform aggregate TAD analysis.


  buffer = 0.5,
  ndim = c(100, 100),
  scale = TRUE,
  normalize = TRUE,
  FUN = sum,
  nBlocks = 50,
  verbose = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = bpparam(),
  blockSize = 1e+06,

# S4 method for GRanges_OR_GInteractions,character,numeric
  buffer = 0.5,
  ndim = c(100, 100),
  scale = TRUE,
  normalize = TRUE,
  FUN = sum,
  nBlocks = 50,
  verbose = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = bpparam(),
  blockSize = 1e+06,



GRanges or GInteractions object containing the TADs or Loops to be aggregated.


Character file paths to `.hic` files.


Integer (numeric) describing the resolution (range widths) of the paired data. Note that small values for this argument may lead to R session crashes.


Fraction (length one numeric vector) pair-distance to expand around the resulting range.


Numeric vector of length two describing the new dimensions of the output matrices.


Boolean (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the values in the new matrices should be scaled to the total signal in each matrix.


Boolean, whether to normalize the aggregated values to the number of interactions.


Function to use for aggregating.


Number of blocks for block-processing arrays. Default is 50. Increase this for large datasets. To read and process all data at once, set this value to 1.


Boolean (TRUE or FALSE) describing whether to report block-processing progress.


Parallelization params (passed to `BiocParallel::bplapply()`). Default is the result of `BiocParallel::bpparams()`. Parallel processing is not available when `by=interactions`.


Number (length one numeric vector) describing the size in base-pairs to pull from each `.hic` file. Default is 1e6. For large `.hic` files `blockSize` can be reduced to conserve the amount of data read in at a time. Larger `blockSize` values speed up performance, but use more memory.


Additional arguments passed to `pullHicMatrices()`.


A DelayedArray of aggregated counts.


It may be necessary to adjust the `zrange` in `plotMatrix()` since the Hi-C diagonal will dominate the scale.

If interactions are passed to the function, only intrachromosomal ranges are maintained.

Using small `binSize` values with large ranges may lead to pulling very large sections of a Hi-C map that can crash your R session. If this happens try increasing the `binSize` and `nBlocks` parameters, while lower the `blockSize` parameter.


## Load marinerData
if (!require("marinerData", quietly = TRUE))

## Read .hic file paths
hicFile <- marinerData::LEUK_HEK_PJA27_inter_30.hic()
#> see ?marinerData and browseVignettes('marinerData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
names(hicFile) <- "FS"

## Loops
loops <- 
    marinerData::FS_5kbLoops.txt() |>
    read.table(header=TRUE, nrows=100) |>
    as_ginteractions() |>
#> see ?marinerData and browseVignettes('marinerData') for documentation
#> loading from cache

## Warn about small binSize
pileupDomains(x=loops, files=hicFile, binSize=50e3, buffer=0.25)
#> Pairs are not binned to `binSize`.
#>  Snapping to binSize=50000, 
#>  Use `assignToBins()` or `snapToBins()` for more binning options.
#> Warning:  `blockSize` must be twice the longest range.
#>  Setting `blockSize` = 5200002.
#> / Reading and realizing block 1/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> Loading required namespace: fields
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 2/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 3/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 4/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 5/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 6/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 7/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 8/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 9/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 10/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 11/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 12/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 13/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 14/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 15/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 16/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 17/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 18/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 19/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 20/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 21/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 22/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 23/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 24/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 25/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 26/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 27/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 28/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 29/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 30/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 31/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 32/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 33/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 34/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 35/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 36/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 37/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 38/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 39/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 40/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 41/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 42/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 43/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 44/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 45/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 46/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 47/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 48/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 49/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> / Reading and realizing block 50/50 of file 1/1 ... 
#> OK
#> \ Processing it ... 
#> OK
#> <100 x 100> DelayedMatrix object of type "double":
#>                [,1]         [,2]         [,3] ...        [,99]       [,100]
#>   [1,] 0.0004685484 0.0004085836 0.0003488673   . 2.171695e-05 2.067000e-05
#>   [2,] 0.0004085836 0.0003805260 0.0003523911   . 2.214473e-05 2.150746e-05
#>   [3,] 0.0003488673 0.0003523911 0.0003555542   . 2.256156e-05 2.232234e-05
#>   [4,] 0.0002986538 0.0003217905 0.0003449622   . 2.288477e-05 2.277575e-05
#>   [5,] 0.0002618003 0.0002887709 0.0003161078   . 2.342872e-05 2.333199e-05
#>    ...            .            .            .   .            .            .
#>  [96,] 2.277187e-05 2.334181e-05 2.391175e-05   . 0.0002714690 0.0002505143
#>  [97,] 2.326133e-05 2.334866e-05 2.343599e-05   . 0.0003023433 0.0002843798
#>  [98,] 2.276390e-05 2.279363e-05 2.282336e-05   . 0.0003302839 0.0003293499
#>  [99,] 2.171695e-05 2.214473e-05 2.256156e-05   . 0.0003538560 0.0003773022
#> [100,] 2.067000e-05 2.150746e-05 2.232234e-05   . 0.0003773022 0.0004251867