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The dimensions of the pulled submatrix is defined by dividing the widths of anchors in `x` by the `binSize`. When the anchor widths are the same for each interaction, an InteractionArray is returned. However, if the anchor widths differ in `x`, an InteractionJaggedArray is returned instead.


  h5File = tempfile(fileext = ".h5"),
  half = "both",
  norm = "NONE",
  matrix = "observed",
  blockSize = 248956422,
  onDisk = TRUE,
  compressionLevel = 0,
  chunkSize = 1

# S4 method for GInteractions,character,numeric



GInteractions object containing interactions to extract from Hi-C files.


Character file paths to `.hic` files.


Integer (numeric) describing the resolution (range widths) of the paired data.


Additional arguments.


Character file path to save `.h5` file.


String (character vector of length one) indicating whether to keep values for the upper triangular (`half="upper"`) where `start1 < start2`, lower triangular (`half="lower"`) where `start1 > start2`, or both (`half="both"`, default). When `half="upper"` all lower triangular values are `NA`. When `half="lower"` all upper triangular values are `NA`. When `half="both"` there are no `NA` values. For interchromosomal interactions there is no inherent directionality between chromosomes, so data is returned regardless of specified order.


String (length one character vector) describing the Hi-C normalization to apply. Use `strawr::readHicNormTypes()` to see accepted values for each file in `files`.


String (length one character vector) Type of matrix to extract. Must be one of "observed", "oe", or "expected". "observed" is observed counts, "oe" is observed/expected counts, "expected" is expected counts.


Number (length one numeric vector) describing the size in base-pairs to pull from each `.hic` file. Default is 248956422 (the length of the longest chromosome in the human hg38 genome). For large `.hic` files `blockSize` can be reduced to conserve the amount of data read in at a time. Larger `blockSize` values speed up performance, but use more memory.


Boolean (length one logical vector that is not NA) indicating whether extracted data should be stored on disk in an HDF5 file. Default is TRUE.


Number (length one numeric vector) between 0 (Default) and 9 indicating the compression level used on HDF5 file.


Number (length one numeric vector) indicating how many values of `x` to chunk for each write to HDF5 stored data. This has downstream implications for accessing subsets later. For small `compressionLevel` values use smaller `chunkSize` values and for large `compressionLevel` values use large (i.e. `length(x)`) values to improve performance.


InteractionSet object with a 4-dimensional array of Hi-C submatrices, rownames, and colnames. Array is stored with the following dimensions: Interactions in `x`, Hi-C `files`, rows of submatrix, columns of submatrix. The submatrices returned have rows cooresponding to anchor1 of `x` and columns correspond to anchor2 of `x`.


## Load marinerData
if (!require("marinerData", quietly = TRUE))

## Read .hic file paths
hicFiles <- c(
#> see ?marinerData and browseVignettes('marinerData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> see ?marinerData and browseVignettes('marinerData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
names(hicFiles) <- c("FS", "WT")

## Read in loop pixels as GInteractions object
pixels <-
  WT_5kbLoops.txt() |>
  setNames("WT") |>
  read.table(header=TRUE) |>
  as_ginteractions(keep.extra.columns=FALSE) |>
#> see ?marinerData and browseVignettes('marinerData') for documentation
#> loading from cache

## Removes the "chr" prefix for compatibility
## with the preprocessed hic files
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(pixels) <- 'ENSEMBL'

## Expand pixels to regions for pulling
## Hi-C submatrices
regions <- pixelsToMatrices(x=pixels, buffer=5)

## Extract 11x11 count matrices from the
## first 100 regions and 2 Hi-C files
iarr <- pullHicMatrices(x=regions[1:100],
#> class: InteractionArray 
#> dim: 100 interaction(s), 2 file(s), 11x11 count matrix(es)
#> metadata(3): binSize norm matrix
#> assays(3): counts rownames colnames
#> rownames: NULL
#> rowData names(0):
#> colnames(2): FS WT
#> colData names(2): files fileNames
#> type: GInteractions
#> regions: 12176

## Access count matrices
#> <11 x 11 x 100 x 2> DelayedArray object of type "double":
#> ,,1,FS
#>        [,1]  [,2]  [,3] ... [,10] [,11]
#>  [1,]     4     3     4   .     0     0
#>  [2,]     6     9     3   .     2     1
#>   ...     .     .     .   .     .     .
#> [10,]     1     1     4   .     2     2
#> [11,]     1     1     0   .     5     2
#> ...
#> ,,100,WT
#>        [,1]  [,2]  [,3] ... [,10] [,11]
#>  [1,]     0     0     1   .     0     0
#>  [2,]     2     0     0   .     1     1
#>   ...     .     .     .   .     .     .
#> [10,]     5     8    32   .     0     5
#> [11,]     2     4     8   .     0     1

## Display the start bin of each
## interaction in the count
## matrices
counts(iarr, showDimnames=TRUE)
#> <11 x 11 x 100 x 2> DelayedArray object of type "double":
#> ,,1,FS
#>          14200000 14300000 14400000 ... 15100000 15200000
#> 13900000        4        3        4   .        0        0
#> 14000000        6        9        3   .        2        1
#> 14100000       11        8        4   .        1        1
#> 14200000       38        8        4   .        0        0
#> 14300000        8       31       11   .        0        1
#> 14400000        4       11       35   .        3        2
#> 14500000        4        1       12   .        1        0
#> 14600000        2        0        4   .        3        2
#> 14700000        1        2        6   .        3        3
#> 14800000        1        1        4   .        2        2
#> 14900000        1        1        0   .        5        2
#> ...
#> ,,100,WT
#>          16300000 16400000 16500000 ... 17200000 17300000
#> 15600000        0        0        1   .        0        0
#> 15700000        2        0        0   .        1        1
#> 15800000        1        2        1   .        0        1
#> 15900000        2        3        2   .        1        1
#> 16000000        1        2        0   .        1        1
#> 16100000        6        3        2   .        0        0
#> 16200000        4        4        3   .        1        0
#> 16300000       25        8        5   .        0        1
#> 16400000        8       19        8   .        0        0
#> 16500000        5        8       32   .        0        5
#> 16600000        2        4        8   .        0        1

## InteractionJaggedArray example
gi <- read.table(text="
            1 51000000 51300000 1 51000000 51500000
            2 52000000 52300000 3 52000000 52500000
            1 150000000 150500000 1 150000000 150300000
            2 52000000 52300000 2 52000000 52800000") |>

iarr <- pullHicMatrices(gi, hicFiles, 100e03, half="both")
#> class: InteractionJaggedArray
#> dim: 4 interaction(s), 2 file(s), variable count matrix(es)
#> metadata(3): binSize, norm, matrix
#> colData: FS, WT
#> colData names(2): files, fileNames
#> HDF5: /tmp/RtmpwSTrvs/file17dd3f346bc6.h5

#> <n x m x 4 x 2> JaggedArray:
#> ,,1,1
#> <3 x 5> matrix
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]   53   15    5    1    4
#> [2,]   15   68   19    8    5
#> [3,]    5   19   69   12    2
#> ...
#> ,,4,2
#> <3 x 8> matrix
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] ... [,7] [,8]
#> [1,]   31    7    2   .    0    0
#> [2,]    7   22    5   .    1    1
#> [3,]    2    5   26   .    0    2