

The nullranges package contains functions for generation of feature sets (genomic regions) for exploring the null hypothesis of overlap or colocalization of two observed feature sets. The package has two approaches for generating null feature sets, matching and bootstrapping:

  • Matched subsampling with matchRanges:

    Subsampling from a pool of features, but controlling for certain characteristics.

  • Bootstrapping with bootRanges:

    Subsampling from original features, but controlling for their spatial pattern

In this workshop, we will demonstrate the two major approaches for generating null hypothesis genomic ranges with the nullranges package.

Background and other methods

Suppose we want to examine the significance of overlaps of genomic sets of features \(x\) and \(y\). To test the significance of this overlap, we calculate the overlap expected under the null by generating a null feature set \(y'\) (potentially many times). The null features in \(y'\) may be characterized by:

  1. Drawing from a larger pool \(z\) (\(y' \subset z\)), such that \(y\) and \(y'\) have a similar distribution over one or more covariates. This is the “matching” case. Note that the features in \(y'\) are original features, just drawn from a different pool than y.
  2. Generating a new set of genomic features \(y'\), constructing them from the original set \(y\) by selecting blocks of the genome with replacement, i.e. such that features can be sampled more than once. This is the “bootstrapping” case. Note that, in this case, \(y'\) is an artificial feature set, although the re-sampled features can retain covariates such as score from the original feature set \(y\).

In other words

  1. Matching – drawing from a pool of features but controlling for certain characteristics
  2. Block Bootstrapping – placing a number of artificial features in the genome but controlling for their spatial pattern

For general considerations of generation of null feature sets or segmentation for enrichment or colocalization analysis, consider the papers of De, Pedersen, and Kechris (2014), Haiminen, Mannila, and Terzi (2007), Huen and Russell (2010), and Kanduri et al. (2019) (with links in references below). Other Bioconductor packages that offer randomization techniques for enrichment analysis include: MatchIt LOLA (Sheffield and Bock 2016) and regioneR (Gel et al. 2016). Methods implemented outside of Bioconductor include GAT (Heger et al. 2013), GSC (Bickel et al. 2010), GREAT (McLean et al. 2010), GenometriCorr (Favorov et al. 2012), or ChIP-Enrich (Welch et al. 2014). Note that our block bootstrapping idea motivated from GSC. In order to address computationally intensive issue, GSC implements a strategy of swapping pairs of blocks in order to generate bootstrap distribution while avoiding generation of a genome-scale bootstrap sample. We uses efficient vectorized code for operation on GRanges objects (Lawrence 2013) to offer \(\color{brown}{\text{genome-scale}}\) bootstrap data with additional features/visualizations, and is re-implemented within R/Bioconductor.


  • Some basic familiarity with GenomicRanges objects.


The format is lecture + lab, with time for data exploration.

R / Bioconductor packages used

  • GenomicRanges
  • plyranges

Time outline

An example for a 45-minute workshop:

Activity Time
Intro to nullranges 5m
Matching with matchRanges 15m
Bootstrapping with bootRanges 15m
Q&A 10m

Workshop goals and objectives

Learning goals

  • Understand matching vs bootstrapping for nullranges
  • Using matchRanges to generate covarite-matched subsets
  • Using bootRanges to generate block bootstrapped ranges
  • Integrating nullranges with plyranges

Learning objectives

  • matchRanges
    • Generate matched null sets of GenomicRanges
    • Assess quality of matching
    • Compare biological results
  • bootRanges
    • Generate block bootstrapped null sets of GenomicRanges
    • Assess quality of bootstrap sampled sets
    • Use with plyranges to derive biological results

Matching covariates with matchRanges


matchRanges() allows users to subsample a pool of ranges such that the resulting matched set contains similar distributions of covariates (i.e., genomic features) as a focal set of interest.

Overview of MatchGRanges

Resulting sets can then be compared, without potential confounding effects from covariates.

Biological background

Most chromatin loops are formed in a processes called loop extrusion, where the ring-like cohesin complex extrudes chromatin until stopped by bound CTCF transcription factors (TFs). Therefore, most chromatin loops tend to be bound at both ends by CTCF. However, the anchors of chromatin loops are also located in accessible chromatin regions and act as potential confounders.

CTCF-bound DNA Looping

Suppose we wanted to compare CTCF occupancy between the anchors of looped ranges and unlooped ranges. matchRanges() can help by generating a null set of ranges controlling for potential confounding by chromatin accessibility.

The hg19_10kb_bins dataset from the nullrangesData package contains ranges for every 10Kb bin along the genome with CTCF, DNase, and loop feature annotations fromGM12878 (see ?nullrangesData::hg19_10kb_bins).

Matching with matchRanges()

Before we generate our null ranges, let’s take a look at our example dataset:


## Load example data
bins <- hg19_10kb_bins()

#> GRanges object with 303641 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
#>            seqnames              ranges strand | n_ctcf_sites ctcfSignal
#>               <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <numeric>  <numeric>
#>        [1]     chr1             1-10000      * |            0          0
#>        [2]     chr1         10001-20000      * |            0          0
#>        [3]     chr1         20001-30000      * |            0          0
#>        [4]     chr1         30001-40000      * |            0          0
#>        [5]     chr1         40001-50000      * |            0          0
#>        ...      ...                 ...    ... .          ...        ...
#>   [303637]     chrX 155230001-155240000      * |            0    0.00000
#>   [303638]     chrX 155240001-155250000      * |            0    0.00000
#>   [303639]     chrX 155250001-155260000      * |            1    4.09522
#>   [303640]     chrX 155260001-155270000      * |            0    0.00000
#>   [303641]     chrX 155270001-155270560      * |            0    0.00000
#>            n_dnase_sites dnaseSignal    looped
#>                 <factor>   <numeric> <logical>
#>        [1]             0     0.00000     FALSE
#>        [2]             0     5.03572     FALSE
#>        [3]             0     0.00000     FALSE
#>        [4]             0     0.00000     FALSE
#>        [5]             0     0.00000     FALSE
#>        ...           ...         ...       ...
#>   [303637]             0     8.42068     FALSE
#>   [303638]             0     4.08961     FALSE
#>   [303639]             0     6.00443     FALSE
#>   [303640]             0     8.07179     FALSE
#>   [303641]             0     0.00000     FALSE
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 23 sequences from hg19 genome

matchRanges() works by selecting a set of covariate-matched controls from a pool of options based on an input focal set of interest. Here, we define focal as bins that contain a loop anchor, pool as bins that don’t contain a loop anchor, and covar as DNase signal and number of DNase sites per bin:


## Match ranges
mgr <- matchRanges(focal = bins[bins$looped],
                   pool = bins[!bins$looped],
                   covar = ~dnaseSignal + n_dnase_sites)
#> MatchedGRanges object with 13979 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
#>           seqnames              ranges strand | n_ctcf_sites ctcfSignal
#>              <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |    <numeric>  <numeric>
#>       [1]     chr8   16360001-16370000      * |            0    0.00000
#>       [2]     chr1 212260001-212270000      * |            0    0.00000
#>       [3]     chrX     9570001-9580000      * |            0    0.00000
#>       [4]     chr9   96840001-96850000      * |            0    0.00000
#>       [5]    chr16   31480001-31490000      * |            1    4.82341
#>       ...      ...                 ...    ... .          ...        ...
#>   [13975]    chr12 105060001-105070000      * |            1    4.29979
#>   [13976]     chr4 103530001-103540000      * |            1    5.67681
#>   [13977]    chr14   65860001-65870000      * |            0    0.00000
#>   [13978]     chr2   96940001-96950000      * |            0    0.00000
#>   [13979]    chr19   38910001-38920000      * |            0    0.00000
#>           n_dnase_sites dnaseSignal    looped
#>                <factor>   <numeric> <logical>
#>       [1]            0      7.40552     FALSE
#>       [2]            1      9.72456     FALSE
#>       [3]            3+    10.87185     FALSE
#>       [4]            1      8.86143     FALSE
#>       [5]            3+    10.65095     FALSE
#>       ...           ...         ...       ...
#>   [13975]            3+    13.90788     FALSE
#>   [13976]            1      9.89450     FALSE
#>   [13977]            1      9.83681     FALSE
#>   [13978]            0      9.66206     FALSE
#>   [13979]            2     12.13214     FALSE
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 23 sequences from hg19 genome

When the focal and pool arguments are GRanges objects, matchRanges() returns a MatchedGRanges object. The MatchedGRanges class extends GRanges, so all of the same operations can be applied:


## Summarize ctcfSignal by n_ctcf_sites
mgr %>%
  group_by(n_ctcf_sites) %>%
  summarize(ctcfSignal = mean(ctcfSignal)) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = n_ctcf_sites, y = ctcfSignal)) +
    geom_line() +

Here, we utilize the plyranges package which provides a set of “tidy” verbs for manipulating genomic ranges for a seamless and integrated genomic analysis workflow.

Assessing quality of matching

We can get a quick summary of the matching quality with overview():

#> MatchedGRanges object: 
#>        set      N dnaseSignal.mean dnaseSignal.sd n_dnase_sites.0
#>      focal  13979             10.0            1.9            2341
#>    matched  13979             10.0            1.9            2297
#>       pool 289662              7.9            2.7          222164
#>  unmatched 275683              7.8            2.7          219867
#>  n_dnase_sites.1 n_dnase_sites.2 n_dnase_sites.3+ ps.mean ps.sd
#>             4829            2353             4456   0.130 0.072
#>             5187            2487             4008   0.130 0.071
#>            34826           13627            19045   0.042 0.061
#>            29639           11140            15037   0.037 0.057
#> --------
#> focal - matched: 
#>  dnaseSignal.mean dnaseSignal.sd n_dnase_sites.0 n_dnase_sites.1
#>             0.037        -0.0061              44            -360
#>  n_dnase_sites.2 n_dnase_sites.3+ ps.mean   ps.sd
#>             -130              450 0.00025 0.00081

For continuous covariates (such as dnaseSignal), overview() shows the mean and standard deviation between each matched set. For categorical covariates, such as n_dnase_sites, overview() reports the number of observations per category and matched set. The bottom section shows the mean and s.d (or n, for factors) difference between focal and matched sets.

Visualizing matching results

Let’s visualize covariate balance by plotting propensity scores for the focal, pool, and matched sets. Briefly, a propensity score is a modeled probability that a range would fall in the focal or pool set, based on the values of the covariates we specified in covar. Using propensity scores instead of matching directly on the covariates helps in particular when there are multiple covariates.

plotPropensity(mgr, sets = c('f', 'p', 'm'), type = 'ridges')

These plots show that the distributions of covariates in the matched set are similar to the focal set.

We can ensure that covariate distributions have been matched appropriately by using the covariates() function to extract matched covariates along with patchwork and plotCovariate to visualize all distributions:

plots <- lapply(covariates(mgr), plotCovariate, x=mgr, sets = c('f', 'm', 'p'))
Reduce('/', plots)

Across both covariates, the matched set is close to the distribution of the focal set.

Compare CTCF sites

Using our matched ranges, we can compare CTCF occupancy in bins that 1) contain a loop anchor (i.e. looped), 2) don’t contain a loop anchor (i.e. unlooped), or 3) don’t contain a loop anchor, but are also matched for the strength and number of DNase sites (i.e. matched). In this case, we calculate CTCF occupancy as the percent of bins that contain CTCF among our 3 sets by using the focal() and pool() accessor functions:

## Percent of bins with CTCF
g1 <- (sum(focal(mgr)$n_ctcf_sites >= 1) / length(focal(mgr))) * 100
g2 <- (sum(pool(mgr)$n_ctcf_sites >= 1) / length(pool(mgr))) * 100
g3 <- (sum(mgr$n_ctcf_sites >= 1) / length(mgr)) * 100

## Visualize
barplot(height = c(g1, g2, g3),
        names = c('looped\n(focal)', 'unlooped\n(pool)', 'unlooped\n(matched)'),
        ylab = "CTCF occupied bins (%)",
        col = c('#1F78B4', '#33A02C', '#A6CEE3'),
        main = 'CTCF occupancy',
        border = NA,
        las = 1)

Here we see, while both pool and matched sets have reduced CTCF occupancy, some of the difference between looped and unlooped is explainable through the covariates alone. We therefore obtain a more meaningful difference due to looping when matching on those covariates.

Block bootstrapping with bootRanges

Biological background

One strategy for generating a null distribution for a dataset that doesn’t have a focal/pool structure as above is to permute or shuffle the genomic features, possibly while considering an exclusion list of regions where features should not be located. However, genomic feature sets often exhibit a \(\color{olive}{\text{complex dependency structure}}\), both in terms of their \(\color{brown}{\text{spatial pattern}}\), and in terms of \(\color{brown}{\text{local correlation of metadata}}\) (signal strength, cell-type-specificity, etc.) Naive permutation ignores the dependence between positions and thus won’t exhibits natural clumping properties. An alternative way is to generate random feature sets by sampling large blocks of features within the segments from the original set with replacement, as proposed by Bickel et al. (2010).

Below, we see that various features (GC content, gene density, and CRE location) exhibit spatial patterns easily discernible at the scale of 500kb.

bootRanges motivation

Below are histograms from Bickel et al. (2010) showing various ways of estimating the null distribution of overlaps between two sequences, with the true null on top (known as the sequences are generated from a random process, and so additional sequences can be generated). The block bootstrap can do a much better job of \(\color{brown}{\text{estimating the variance of the null distribution}}\), compared to naive permutation of features.

Histogram comparison

Overview of segmented block bootstrap

In a segmented block bootstrap, the blocks are sampled and placed within regions of a genome segmentation. That is, for a genome segmented into states 1,2,…,S, blocks from state s will be used to tile the ranges of state s in each bootstrap sample. The process can be visualized in (A), a block with length \(L_b\) is \(\color{brown}{\text{randomly}}\) selected from state “red” and move to a \(\color{brown}{\text{tile}}\) block across chromosome within same states.

An example workflow of bootRanges used in combination with plyranges is diagrammed in (B), and can be summarized as:

  1. Compute overlap between GRanges of feature \(x\) and GRanges of feature \(y\) to assess overlap or to derive other statistic of interest
  2. bootRanges() with optional segmentation and exclude to create a bootRanges object \(y'\)
  3. Compute overlap between GRanges of feature \(x\) and \(y'\) to derive bootstrap distribution of statistics
  4. A \(z\) test can be performed for testing the null hypothesis that there is no true biological enrichment of the original data (that bootstrap data often has as high an enrichment as the observed data)

Overview of bootRanges

Bootstrapping DHS from ENCODE

We demonstrate usage by loading a set of DNase hypersensitivity sites (DHS) from the ENCODE project (ENCODE 2012) in A549 cell line (ENCSR614GWM). We work with a pre-processed data object from the nullrangesData package.

For speed of the demo, we restrict to a smaller number of DHS, filtering by the signal value. We also remove metadata columns that we don’t need for the bootstrap analysis. Consider, when creating bootstrapped data, that you will be creating an object many times larger than your original features, so \(\color{brown}{\text{filtering and trimming}}\) extra metadata can help make the analysis more efficient.

dhs <- DHSA549Hg38()
dhs <- dhs %>% plyranges::filter(signalValue > 100) %>%
  mutate(id = seq_along(.)) %>%
#> GRanges object with 6214 ranges and 1 metadata column:
#>          seqnames            ranges strand |        id
#>             <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>
#>      [1]     chr1     629126-629275      * |         1
#>      [2]     chr1     629306-629455      * |         2
#>      [3]     chr1     629901-630170      * |         3
#>      [4]     chr1     630346-630495      * |         4
#>      [5]     chr1     630521-630670      * |         5
#>      ...      ...               ...    ... .       ...
#>   [6210]     chrY 11307570-11307719      * |      6210
#>   [6211]     chrY 11308010-11308159      * |      6211
#>   [6212]     chrY 11320890-11321039      * |      6212
#>   [6213]     chrY 11322530-11322679      * |      6213
#>   [6214]     chrY 56834934-56835083      * |      6214
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from hg38 genome
#>  chr1  chr2  chr3  chr4  chr5  chr6  chr7  chr8  chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 
#>  1436   252   108    30   148    51   184   146   155   443   436   526    20 
#> chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22  chrX  chrY 
#>   197   265   214   715    20   649   142    31    19    17    10

Import excluded regions

\(\color{brown}{\text{To avoid placing bootstrap features into regions of the genome that don’t typically have features}}\). We next import excluded regions including ENCODE-produced excludable regions(Amemiya, Kundaje, and Boyle 2019), telomeres from UCSC, centromeres (Commo 2022). For easy use, pre-combined excludable regions is stored in ExperimentHub.

eh = ExperimentHub()
# query(eh, "nullrangesdata")
exclude <- eh[["EH7306"]]

Pre-built segmentations

The segmented block bootstrap has two options, either:

  • Perform a de-novo segmentation of the genome using feature density, e.g. gene density
  • Use exiting segmentation (e.g. ChromHMM, etc.) downloaded from AnnotationHub or external to Bioconductor (BED files imported with rtracklayer)

segmentDensity() from nullranges provide first option by CBS or HMM methods. Here we loaded pre-built segmentations for easy use in hg38 with \(L_s=2e6\) considering excludable regions. Assessment of segmentation through ranges plot, bar plot and box plot could be plotted by plotSegment(). Detailed Usage is shown in vignette Segmented block bootstrap from the nullranges package.

seg_cbs <- eh[["EH7307"]]

We next import excluded regions including ENCODE-produced excludable regions(Amemiya, Kundaje, and Boyle 2019), telomeres from UCSC, centromeres (Commo 2022). For easy use, pre-combined excludable regions is stored in ExperimentHub. See the excluderanges package for more detail.

exclude <- eh[["EH7306"]]
#> see ?nullrangesData and browseVignettes('nullrangesData') for documentation
#> loading from cache

Bootstrap sampling with bootRanges()

Now we apply a segmented block bootstrap with blocks of size 500kb, to the peaks. Here we show generation of 10 iterations of a block bootstrap We might normally do 100 iterations or more, depending on the granularity of the bootstrap distribution that is needed.

set.seed(5) # for reproducibility
R <- 20
blockLength <- 5e5
boots <- bootRanges(dhs, blockLength, R = R, seg = seg_cbs, exclude=exclude)
#> bootRanges object with 124933 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
#>            seqnames            ranges strand |        id     block  iter
#>               <Rle>         <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <integer> <Rle>
#>        [1]     chr1     242791-242940      * |       347         5     1
#>        [2]     chr1     256031-256180      * |       348         5     1
#>        [3]     chr1     391535-391684      * |      5301         8     1
#>        [4]     chr1     421046-421195      * |      5302         8     1
#>        [5]     chr1     438186-438335      * |      5303         8     1
#>        ...      ...               ...    ... .       ...       ...   ...
#>   [124929]     chrY 25284420-25284569      * |      1864     12436    20
#>   [124930]     chrY 27272169-27272318      * |      2073     12441    20
#>   [124931]     chrY 27508455-27508604      * |       921     12442    20
#>   [124932]     chrY 27679815-27679964      * |       922     12442    20
#>   [124933]     chrY 27839434-27839583      * |       923     12442    20
#>            blockLength
#>                  <Rle>
#>        [1]      500000
#>        [2]      500000
#>        [3]      500000
#>        [4]      500000
#>        [5]      500000
#>        ...         ...
#>   [124929]      500000
#>   [124930]      500000
#>   [124931]      500000
#>   [124932]      500000
#>   [124933]      500000
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 24 sequences from hg38 genome

What is returned here? The bootRanges function returns a bootRanges object, which is a simple sub-class of GRanges. The iteration (iter) and the block length (blockLength) are recorded as metadata columns, accessible via mcols.

Assessing quality of bootstrap samples

We can examine properties of permuted y over iterations, and compare to the original y. To do so, we first add the original features as iter=0. Then compute summaries:

combined <- dhs %>% 
  mutate(iter=0) %>%
  bind_ranges(boots) %>% 
stats <- combined %>% 
  group_by(iter) %>%
  summarize(n = n()) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   iter      n
#>   <fct> <int>
#> 1 0      6214
#> 2 1      6149
#> 3 2      6275
#> 4 3      6249
#> 5 4      6293
#> 6 5      6365

We can also look at distributions of various aspects, e.g. here the inter-feature distance of features, across a few of the bootstraps and the original feature set y.

interdist <- function(dat) {
    x = dat[-1,]
    y = dat[-nrow(dat),]
    ifelse(x$seqnames == y$seqnames,
           x$start + floor((x$width - 1)/2) -
           y$start-floor((y$width - 1)/2), NA)}

combined %>% plyranges::filter(iter %in% 0:3) %>%
  plyranges::select(iter) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  nest(-iter) %>%
  mutate(interdist = map(data, ~interdist(.))) %>% 
  select(iter,interdist) %>% 
  unnest(interdist) %>% 
  mutate(type = ifelse(iter == 0, "original", "boot")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(log10(interdist), iter, fill=type)) +
  geom_density_ridges(alpha = 0.75) +
            aes(x=1.5, y=iter, label=paste0("n=",n), fill=NULL),
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.198

Derive statistics of interest

Suppose we have a set of features x and we are interested in evaluating the \(\color{brown}{\text{enrichment of this set with the DHS}}\). We can calculate for example the sum observed number of overlaps for features in x with DHS in whole genome (or something more complicated, e.g. the maximum log fold change or signal value for DHS peaks within a maxgap window of x).

x <- GRanges("chr2", IRanges(1 + 50:99 * 1e6, width=1e6), x_id=1:50)
x <- x %>% mutate(n_overlaps = count_overlaps(., dhs))
sum( x$n_overlaps )
#> [1] 64

We can repeat this with the bootstrapped features using a group_by command, a summarize. It may help to step through these commands one by one to understand what the intermediate output is.

Note that we need to use tidyr::complete in order to fill in iter where the overlap was 0.

boot_stats <- x %>% join_overlap_inner(boots) %>%
  group_by(iter) %>%
  summarize(n_overlaps = n()) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  complete(iter, fill=list(n_overlaps = 0)) 

If one is interested in assessing a \(\color{brown}{\text{feature-wise}}\) statistics instead of \(\color{brown}{\text{genome-wise}}\) statistics, eg.,the mean observed number of overlaps per feature or mean base pair overlap in x, one can also group by both (block,iter). 10,000 total blocks may therefore be sufficient to derive a bootstrap distribution, avoiding the need to generate many bootstrap genomes of data.

Finally we can plot a histogram. In this case, as the x features were arbitrary, our observed value falls within the bootstrap distribution.

ggplot(boot_stats, aes(n_overlaps)) +
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

For more examples of combining bootRanges from nullranges with plyranges piped operations, see the relevant chapter in the tidy-ranges-tutorial book.


Optimized effect size threshold

Penalized splines across a range of effect sizes on the null sets can be modeled, through which to derive confidence interval at the same time on every effect size. Therefore, an optimized effect size threshold could be derived, eg. rather than limiting DEG logFC at a arbitrary threshold.

effect size

Derive statistics of interest from other formats

Instead of deriving statistics of interest from GRanges metadata column, count matrix from SummerizedExperiment or SingleCellExperiment could also be used. One case study is to assess the correlation of the all pairs of genes and promoter peaks from Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression.

bootRanges is flexible on deriving any interested statistics through genome position, but also is flexible on using data from other formats, eg. SummerizedExperiment. One case study is to assess the correlation of the all pairs of genes and promoter peaks from Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression. There are two option pipelines to follow after generating a GRanges object and extracting count matrix from SingleCellExperiment. One is saving the count matrix in GRanges’s metadata column as a NumericList() format and use Plyranges in downstream analysis. Another one is creating a tidySummarizedExperiment object where each row save derived interested statistics.

  • Plyranges pseudo code saving the count matrix in GRanges’s metadata column as a NumericList() format and use Plyranges in downstream analysis.
## split sparse count matrix into NumericList
rna <- rna_Granges[-which(rna.sd==0)] %>%
  mutate(counts1 = NumericList(asplit(rna.scaled, 1)))%>% sort()
promoter <- promoter_Granges[-which(promoter.sd==0)] %>%
  mutate(counts2 = NumericList(asplit(promoter.scaled, 1))) %>% sort()

bootranges <- bootRanges(promoter,blockLength = 5e5,R=R,type = "bootstrap", withinChrom = F)
## draw mean correlation distribution plot
cor_whole<-rna %>% join_overlap_inner(bootranges, maxgap=1000) %>%
  mutate(rho = 1/(n(col)-1) * sum(counts1 * counts2)) %>%
  select(rho,iter) %>%
  group_by(iter) %>%
  summarise(meanCor = mean(rho)) %>%
  • TidySE pesudo code

Or creating a SummarizedExperiment object and use tidySummarizedExperiment to derive statistics of interest.

## make an SE where each row is an overlap
se_rna <- SummarizedExperiment(
se_promoter <- SummarizedExperiment(

## make an SE where each row is an overlap
makeOverlapSE <- function(se_rna, se_promoter) {
  idx <- rowRanges(se_rna) %>% join_overlap_inner(rowRanges(se_promoter),maxgap = 1000)
  assay_x <- assay(se_rna, "rna")[ idx$gene, ]
  assay_y <- assay(se_promoter, "promoter")[ idx$peak, ]
  # this is needed to build the SE
  rownames(assay_x) <- rownames(assay_y) <- seq_along( idx$gene )
  new_ranges <- rowRanges(se_rna)[ idx$gene ]
  names(new_ranges) <- seq_along( idx$gene )
    assays=list(x=assay_x, y=assay_y),
se <- makeOverlapSE(se_rna, se_promoter)
se %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  nest(data = -.feature) %>%
  mutate(rho = map(data,
                   function(data) data %>% summarize(rho = cor(x, y))
  )) %>%
  unnest(rho) %>%

Additional references

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